Winter Weather

Winter storms can create personal safety issues if you are not prepared. Following weather forecasts and paying attention to personal emergency preparedness will reduce any possible impacts to your family and your property. It is a good idea to make a habit of listening to local radio or television stations for weather warnings and advice.

Hazards and risks associated with winter weather include:

  • Car accidents due to slippery roadways;
  • Slips and falls on slippery walkways;
  • Falls from heights (e.g. cleaning the gutters or roof);
  • Hypothermia and frostbite due to exposure;
  • Being struck by falling objects such as tree branches;
  • Risks due to downed power lines or downed objects in contact with power lines;
  • Roof collapse or property damage under weight of snow or falling trees;
  • Exhaustion, exposure or dehydration;
  • Isolation and lack of basic supplies including prescription medications;
  • Stranded motorists;
  • Injuries while shovelling snow;
  • Melting snow or storm surges causing flooding; or,
  • Home fire safety risk.

Heat Failure

Most home-heating systems depend on electric power. To prepare for a power failure, you may consider installing a nonelectric standby stove or heater. Choose approved heating units that do not depend on an electric motor, electric fan or other electrical device to function. If the standby heating unit uses the normal house oil or gas supply, ensure that it is connected and vented properly.

Before considering the use of an emergency home generator during a power outage, check with the dealer or manufacturer regarding power requirements and proper operating procedures. Use caution and follow directions when operating generators, ensuring they are in a proper, well-ventilated area. Do not connect your home portable generator directly to a house wiring system without the proper installation of an approved transfer switch and an inspection and approval by an electrical inspector.

Furnace and fireplace maintenance considerations are very important in preparing for winter weather. Never use a camp stove, barbecue, or propane or kerosene heater indoors. A build-up of carbon monoxide gas in unventilated areas can be deadly.

If Your Home Heating System Fails

Should your home heating system fails:

  • Remain calm – your house may remain warm for several hours.
  • Avoid opening doors unnecessarily.
  • During a power failure, turn off all electrical appliances.
  • If you have a safe, approved alternate heat source, begin using it before the house cools down.
  • Ensure that you maintain adequate ventilation.
  • Stay warm by dressing in layers and bringing out extra blankets.
  • Consider closing off one room for primary heating and use.

Learn how to prevent your pipes from freezing:

  • Maintain a warm temperature in your home, if possible
  • Turn off outdoor faucets as they are at higher risk of freezing
  • Remove any hoses and sprinklers and store away for later
  • Insulate any exposed or hot water pipes
  • Know how to turn off your main water valve in case of a burst pipe 

Learn more at PrepareBC

Icy Conditions

Remember, stairways and sidewalks may be icy and increase the risk of falls. Keep these areas clear and snow free. Consider using some salt, sand or other material to provide traction in these areas.


Windchill is a combination of cold temperatures and wind conditions which may cause rapid loss of body temperature. Excess windchill may require special precautions for outdoor activities. If frostbite or hypothermia is suspected, know how to begin warming the person slowly and seek immediate medical assistance.


In extreme conditions, some people may want to make arrangements to stay with relatives, friends, or neighbours. Listen to weather forecasts and instructions from local officials, as reception or warming centres may be set-up in your community. Keep an eye out for neighbours who may be at risk in severe conditions. Always follow the instructions of first responders and local emergency officials.

Ensure a supply of basic essentials is in your home for at least 72 hours. If you must leave your home on short notice, remember to take your emergency “grab and go” kit. This should include:

  • Flashlight and battery powered radio;
  • Extra clothing;
  • Essential medicines and toiletries;
  • Essential emergency supplies including water and food;
  • First Aid Kit; and,
  • Important documents, cash and family identification.

Prepare BC Severe winter weather and storm preparedness guide